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Georgia Car Accident Statistics

While many fender benders and minor traffic accidents happen on Georgia roads every day, car accidents can cause serious injuries that can affect the rest of your life. It is important to be an informed driver, knowing where and when accidents happen in order to avoid them. Here are some Georgia car accident statistics to help you better understand the seriousness of the issue. If you have been seriously injured or hurt in any way in a car accident, contact a Benton and Benton lawyer for a free consultation with a highly experienced accident attorney.

Georgia Is The 4th State Leading Fatal Car Accidents

Car accidents are the leading cause of death in the United States. Based on statistics in 2019, Georgia had the 4th highest fatal accidents in the United States behind Florida, Texas, and California. With more than 330,000 crashes, 1,588 of them were fatal with over 1,730 people being killed and almost 125,000 people were injured in these deadly accidents. This trend continued into 2021 as well.

Are The Number of Fatal Accidents Decreasing?

Despite the state’s efforts to decrease the amount of accidents, Georgia saw an 11.5 percent spike in total fatal accidents in the year 2020 with 313 more deaths than in 2019. Infact, every category is showing an increase in fatalities as well:

  • Total Fatalities: 1,492 in 2019 to 1,664 in 2020 (11.5% increase)
  • Alcohol related fatalities: 355 in 2019 to 402 in 2020 (13.2% increase)
  • Speeding related fatalities: 260 in 2019 to 380 in 2020 (46.2% increase)
  • Ages 21 and under: 172 in 2019 to 210 in 2020 (22.1% increase)
  • Motorcycle Accident Fatalities: 170 in 2019 to 192 in 2020 (12.9% increase) 
  • Bicycle Accident Fatalities: 21 in 2019 to 32 in 2020 (52.4% increase)
  • Pedestrian Accident Fatalities: 236 in 2019 to 279 in 2020 (18.2% increase)

Common Causes of Accidents

There are many categories to look at when looking at what is causing fatal traffic accidents. Here are some of the most common reasons why accidents are happening on Georgia streets.

Distracted Driving

According to Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, 47% of all motor vehicle accidents had at least one confirmed distracted driver. Drivers in the age range of 15-24 years old had the highest proportion of distracted drivers compared to any other age group. 83% of all distracted driving related accidents involved at least one other vehicle besides the distracted driver and without a passenger present. Since other passengers do not seem to be present, how are these drivers becoming distracted? Distractions can be narrowed down to 3 categories.


These distractions include physically touching something such as a phone, eating, drinking, smoking, changing the radio or AC, or moving items inside the car.


These distractions come from looking at things other than the road such as a cell phone screen or navigation, reading a text or email, looking at a billboard, or observing an event outside the vehicle such as a crash, protest, party, etc.


These distractions involve thinking about something that occupies your mind such as conversations, daydreams, worrying about something, or distracting noises inside or outside the vehicle.


If a crash involved speeding, it was 3 times more likely to be fatal. Young males are more likely to be involved in a fatal accident. The 15-20 year old age category shows that 30% of male drivers and 18% of female drivers involved in a fatal accident were speeding.

Ways To Decrease The Number Of Traffic Accidents

  • Keep your focus on the road only and not your phone, passengers, or other distractions
  • Always drive the speed limit
  • If you are upset, try waiting 5 mins to calm down before turning the car on
  • Always wear a seatbelt or helmet
  • Get a good night’s rest before long trips. Drowsy driving is just as dangerous as intoxicated driving
  • Never drive after drinking. Let a buddy take you home
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