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I’ve Been Injured In A Car Accident In Loganville, Georgia. How Long Do I Have To Sue?

Were you injured in a Loganville, Georgia car accident?

If you have been injured in a Loganville, Georgia car accident, you may be wondering how long you have to file a lawsuit.


Generally speaking, you have two years from the date of the car accident to file a lawsuit.  This concept is called the statute of limitations.  It depends, however, on the type of vehicle that hit you.  If the vehicle is a privately owned vehicle, then the statute of limitations is two years.  Where this timeline changes is when a governmental vehicle hits you.  There are different types of governmental vehicles, which include city, county, and state vehicles.  Please see below a breakdown for each level of government.


If you are in a car accident and a city owned vehicle is at fault, you have six months from the date of the car accident to notify the city in writing of the time, place, extent of the injury, and negligence which caused the injury. The written notice to the city should also include the specific amount of money damages you are requesting.


If you have been in a car accident and the at-fault vehicle is a county owned vehicle, then you have 12 months from the date of the accident to notify the county of the accident.


If a state owned vehicle is the at-fault vehicle in your car accident, then you have 12 months from the date of the accident to notify the state in writing of the accident.  The written notice should contain the following:

  • The name of the state government entity that is at fault
  • The time of the car accident
  • The place of the car accident
  • Your injuries and damages
  • How much money you are requesting for all of your damages
  • The negligence claimed


If you have been injured in a Loganville, Georgia car accident and are seeking legal advice, please contact Bart Benton at 866-927-4290 for a free case evaluation.

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