Monroe Daycare Injury Attorney

Holding Daycare Providers Accountable

You trust your daycare provider to keep your child safe and happy while you’re not there. But what happens when your child gets hurt under someone else’s supervision? Dealing with daycare injuries can be emotionally charged and complex. Our team is here to support you through your injury case to ensure you get the outcome you deserve.

At Benton & Benton Law, we know just how important your child’s safety is. Learning that your child has been injured at a daycare center can be devastating. By working with our team, you can seek justice and financial compensation for the experience you’ve gone through.

Please don’t feel like you must navigate this challenging situation on your own. Contact a personal injury attorney on our team today by calling 866-927-4290.

What Is Daycare Abuse and Neglect?

Daycare facilities are required to care for the children under their supervision. This includes creating a safe environment and providing basic necessities like food and water. When children are neglected or abused at daycare, they can suffer from injuries.

Daycare abuse and neglect can come in many forms, including:

  • Defective or hazardous toys or playground equipment
  • A lack of supervision
  • Too many children for a single daycare worker to supervise
  • Negligent hiring practices, including failure to train staff or perform background checks
  • A lack of education for daycare workers
  • Unsanitary facilities

Children can suffer from physical and emotional harm if their needs aren’t being met. Malnutrition, dehydration, and other forms of neglect have the potential to cause long-term damage. Daycare centers are required to follow strict regulations under Georgia law, which include performing background checks and hiring experienced staff members.

Child abuse can also happen at daycare facilities. When a child is physically harmed by an adult, they can suffer severe injuries. Our legal team can help you gather evidence and hold liable parties accountable for their actions.

What Are the Most Common Injuries in Daycare Negligence Cases?

There are a number of ways your child may be hurt while at a daycare facility. Young children can be clumsy, but if a daycare isn’t properly set up or there is a lack of supervision, it can result in severe injuries.

The most common injuries to children in child care learning centers are:

Playground Injuries

Falls, slips, and accidents on playground equipment can cause children to injure themselves. This is especially true if the playground equipment is dangerous or there is a lack of supervision while outside.

Injuries from Other Children

Young children sometimes hurt each other, whether it’s an accident or on purpose. It’s up to the daycare staff to protect your child from severe harm from other kids.

Self-Inflicted Injuries

Ingesting dangerous objects, playing with unsafe equipment, or interacting with unsanitary objects can result in injury. A lack of supervision makes this type of injury very likely.

Transportation Injuries

Some daycare centers take children on field trips in vans or buses. If safety measures are not followed properly, your child could be hurt.

Premises Hazards

Toxic substances, unsafe equipment, or unsanitary conditions can lead to child injury cases. If your child suffers because of a daycare center, you can hold the staff and owners accountable.


While it is heartbreaking to think about it, some children unfortunately suffer physical abuse at daycare. Daycare abuse can lead to criminal charges.

What Kind of Compensation Can You Seek?

When you pursue a personal injury claim, you can ask the defendant for compensation to make up for your damages. In most cases, damages include any financial losses you and your family suffered because of the injury. Losses can also include any changes to your emotional well-being or that of your child.

Many victims seek compensation for the following:

Medical Bills

After an injury, your child likely needed medical care from a professional. If you paid any bills yourself, you can ask the liable parties to pay you back for those costs.

Lost Wages

Many parents take time off work to care for their injured child. You can request compensation for any wages or income you lost as a result of your child’s injury.

Pain and Suffering

Discovering that your child has been injured is very distressing. Your young child may also be suffering because of what they went through. You can request payment for pain and suffering and emotional distress.

How Do You Determine Liability in a Daycare Injury Case?

Daycare facilities in Georgia are required to follow rules and regulations to keep children safe. If your child was injured because of abuse, neglect, or negligence, you have the right to seek compensation.

When proving liability, you need to gather evidence that the daycare center did something wrong. This could include pictures of where the injury happened, witness statements from those who saw it, or records showing the daycare wasn’t following the rules. Our team will help you gather this evidence, as it is crucial to your personal injury claim.

What Should You Do if Your Child Was Hurt at Daycare?

Discovering that your child has been hurt at daycare is extremely distressing. Knowing what steps to take now will help keep your child safe and hold guilty parties liable.

If your child was hurt at daycare, be sure to do the following:

  • Have your child seen by a medical professional. Even if your child only has minor injuries, it’s essential to get medical care. Your child will be given the treatment they need, and you’ll have documentation of the severity of their injuries
  • Report the incident. Notify the daycare management about what happened as soon as possible. This is important, as it shows the daycare is aware of what happened and how your child was injured
  • Document everything. Write down your own account of what happened, and keep any medical records your child has. Take photos of their injuries and where the injuries happened, if possible
  • Contact a personal injury lawyer. The sooner you contact our team, the faster we can begin working on your case

What Does a Daycare Injury Attorney Do?

If your child has suffered an injury while at a daycare facility, you can seek rightful compensation to ensure liable parties are held accountable. When you work with our team, we will help you gather evidence, file paperwork, talk to witnesses, and more. Above all, we will fight for the rights of you and your child to ensure you get the justice you deserve.

Benton & Benton Law is here to advocate for you throughout your personal injury case. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if your child has been injured at daycare. Contact us at 866-927-4290 for a free consultation.

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